For those who sell, lease, and rent vehicles professionally
we have the tools to increase sales volume, market share and profitability.
We developed these together with vehicle OEM's, distributors, dealerships and fleet operators.
To grow your used car sales volume you need to buy more used cars. And to grow your new car sales you want to offer an attractive trade-in price. However, to increase the profitability and sales velocity of your used car sales, you also want to make sure you don't overpay when you buy or do a trade-in. Our solution helps you understand what the right price is. And we can even take into account minimum margin, reconditioning, vat and other items.
Want to know by how much
we can increase your profitability?
Click on the button below.

Do you own a large fleet of vehicles and do you need to find insurance or financing for this fleet? Or do you want to sell and renew part of the fleet? Then use our fleet appraisal tool to quickly get the latest market-values.
And if you need to understand the future depreciation, to take into account when you are pricing your services, use our future residual value forecasting feature.
Want to know more?
Click on the button below.
As an OEM or distributor, you want to know how your brand and models depreciate, specifically in comparison to competitors. This information can then help you sell to businesses and it can help you optimize your certified used car program. For this purpose we have developed the historic and future residual value reports.
Want to receive a free sample report?
Click on the button below.